<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Include the Singular Graphic JavaSrcipt library -->
<script src="https://app.singular.live/libs/singulargraphics/1.0.0/singulargraphics.js"></script>
<!-- define iFrame for a non-interactive Singular Player Instance -->
<iframe id="SingularOverlay" style="width:720px; height: 400px;"
// Singular App Instance
const SHARED_APP_TOKEN = "2B50lCTxWNYfoYadq1I2K9";
// create graphic object from iframe 'SingularOverlay'
const overlay = SingularGraphics("SingularOverlay");
// render app instance specified by SHARED_APP_TOKEN,
// the second param is output name, passing undefined to select the first output
overlay.renderAppOutput(SHARED_APP_TOKEN, null, function (isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
console.log("App output loaded");
} else {
console.warn("Couldn't load app output");