Get a control app's model

Get control app model


Returns the model of a control app instance, including the content, type, and structure of its controllable elements. Can be used to build a user interface.

Path Parameters

    "id": "-NC_s8grzroliz2xbx7e",
    "name": "default",
    "model": [],
    "logicLayer": null,
    "snapshot": null,
    "subcompositions": [
        "id": "1695dbd7-430c-40eb-82f7-85287a965849",
        "name": "compTextArea",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": "Multi-line Text \nfrom Google Sheet",
            "id": "text-area-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 1,
            "resetValue": "Default Text",
            "title": "text-area-control-node-id",
            "type": "textarea"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "1e602003-5bfa-45f4-8049-8892220fdff2",
        "name": "compTimer",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": {
              "UTC": 1615816679354,
              "isRunning": false,
              "value": 0
            "id": "time-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": true,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": {
              "UTC": 0,
              "isRunning": false,
              "value": 0
            "title": "time-control-node-id",
            "type": "timecontrol"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "41aaf130-468c-4f11-9bca-c1ea68ba1c8b",
        "name": "compColor",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": {
              "a": 1,
              "b": 156,
              "g": 188,
              "r": 26
            "id": "color-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 2,
            "resetValue": {
              "a": 1,
              "b": 255,
              "g": 255,
              "r": 255
            "title": "color-control-node-id",
            "type": "color"
            "defaultValue": "crimson",
            "id": "cnColorText",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 1,
            "resetValue": "Default Text",
            "title": "cnColorText",
            "type": "text"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "755bd36f-fff0-4250-b703-4cbd310f07fb",
        "name": "compVideoClip",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "id": "cnVideoClipPause",
            "immediateUpdate": true,
            "index": 2,
            "resetValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "title": "cnVideoClipPause",
            "type": "button"
            "defaultValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "id": "cnVideoClipPlay",
            "immediateUpdate": true,
            "index": 1,
            "resetValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "title": "cnVideoClipPlay",
            "type": "button"
            "defaultValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "id": "cnVideoClipStart",
            "immediateUpdate": true,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": {
              "__singularButton": true,
              "ts": 0
            "title": "cnVideoClipStart",
            "type": "button"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "7ccc118d-5333-474d-9a33-b5fb951cd765",
        "name": "compJsonTable",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": "{\"content\": [\r\n    {\"pos\": \"1\", \"name\": \"NYG\", \"image\": \"\"},\r\n    {\"pos\": \"2\", \"name\": \"SF\", \"image\": \"\"},\r\n    {\"pos\": \"3\", \"name\": \"DEN\", \"image\": \"\"},\r\n    {\"pos\": \"4\", \"name\": \"PIT\", \"image\": \"\"}\r\n  ]\r\n}",
            "height": "100px",
            "id": "json-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": "{}",
            "title": "json-control-node-id",
            "type": "json"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "816df4ac-3231-49a2-b744-ccd48aa33a40",
        "name": "compText",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": "Text from Google Sheet",
            "id": "text-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": "Default Text",
            "title": "text-control-node-id",
            "type": "text"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "9d0ebd84-bdae-6adc-2050-d54c36448d70",
        "name": "background",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [],
        "logicLayer": {
          "name": "Background",
          "tag": "#5e35b1"
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "ab6e39f9-5550-47c2-81be-fa07611a6666",
        "name": "compCheckbox",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": true,
            "id": "checkbox-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": true,
            "title": "checkbox-control-node-id",
            "type": "checkbox"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []
        "id": "ca6f12cf-d990-464b-948b-5d7ad9dd3d33",
        "name": "compNumber",
        "state": "Out",
        "model": [
            "defaultValue": "1234.56",
            "id": "number-control-node-id",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 0,
            "resetValue": 0,
            "step": "0.01",
            "title": "number-control-node-id",
            "type": "number"
            "defaultValue": "$1,234.56",
            "id": "cnNumberDisplayed",
            "immediateUpdate": false,
            "index": 1,
            "resetValue": "Default Text",
            "title": "cnNumberDisplayed",
            "type": "text"
        "logicLayer": null,
        "snapshot": null,
        "subcompositions": []

Response definitions

The following table describes the top level key-value pairs for a sub-composition in the Get control app model request.

Model content

The key-value pairs within the model array.

Field types

logicLayer content

The content within the logicLayer object.

Last updated