Update a sub-composition's content

To update a sub-composition's content, you'll need two things:

With that data on hand

  1. Prepare a PATCH request to https://app.singular.live/apiv2/controlapps/:appToken/control, which is the endpoint to update a control app.

  2. Replace :appToken with the app token for your app instance.

  3. Add a request body with the actual sub-composition ID and payload structure, and include the updates you'd like to make. The request body should look like this, but with sub-composition name or ID and payload data filled in.

        "subCompositionName": "your-subcomposition-name",
        "payload": {
          "controlnode-field": "control node content"

After sending the request, you should get a 200 OK response with a payload of { "success": true }.

Last updated

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